Just for fun [Chapter 0]

Someday in the 1930s

How to use this blog:
Click on Calpurnia (under labels) to view posts by her. [Story from her Point of View]
Click on Sharmala (also under labels) to view posts by me. [Analysis]

Lil note from Cal
Recipe for destruction
  1. Scout
  2. Jem
  3. A Dill pickle.
  4. Lemonade

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Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Character Summary.

Someday in the 1930s

Calpurnia is the cook and caretaker for the Finch Family and has been serving them ever since the children's' mother died. She's slightly older than Atticus himself. She is also a black woman living in a white dominated community.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Role and Importance of Calpurnia.

Someday in the 1930s

Being a black woman serving a white family, Calpurnia is many times like a bridge between the two worlds through whom we get both perspectives. For example, we get to see how both the whites and the blacks live their daily life. (whites from the Finches, blacks from the Church outing in chapter 12) It is from her that Scout first learns of the contrast between the worlds of both parties.

She also is one of the only motherly figures in the childrens' life and cares about them, knowing what they like and don't.
(she made crackling bread for Scout as she knew she loved it)
She fills up that gap that their mother left when she died. She is looked upon as a member of the Finch family by Atticus, Jem and Scout. "She's a faithful member of this family...Besides, I don't think the children've suffered one bit from her having brought them up. If anything, she's been harder on them in some ways than a mother would have been...she's never let them get away with anything, she's never indulged them the way most coloured nurses do......and another thing, the children love her." (pages 150/151) From the above lines, we can infer that she was a strict teacher and yet still loved them.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

How Calpurnia personifies the Mockingbird.

Someday in the 1930s

Mockingbirds are not what they seem, they do not have a call of their own. They instead echo calls of other birds that surround them.

In this light, Calpurnia is observed by Scout to behave and talk differently depending on her company. With the white people, Calpurnia has proper grammar and uses flawless English. In the presence of her own people, however, Calpurnia starts to talk “nigger talk’. In this way, she doesn’t have a voice of her own. She echoes the types of speech around her. Take for example:

’When in tranquillity, her (Calpurnia) grammar was as good as anybody’s in Maycomb. Atticus said Calpurnia had more education than most coloured folks.” (page 27)

Versus this:

“‘They’s my comp’ny,’ said Calpurnia. Again I thought her voice strange: she was talking like the rest of them.”(page 131)

She blends in like a chameleon, not showing her true colours, much like a mockingbird.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Jem and Scout's new friend [Chapter 1]

Someday in the 1930s

For those of you who don't know, I'm a cook to a very respectable family, the Finches. Meanwhile, I also take care of Jem(currently 10) and Scout(currently 6), or so that's what most call them. Very obedient children, they are. Always within my reach, they never stray too far away. The occasional glance assures their safety.

This summer, as I carried out my routine check on the kids, I found that they were joined by this pint-sized boy. I was later informed by Scout that he was, in fact, 1 year her senior. She told me he could read and that he'd already watched Dracula and tried telling me about it. Seems like they had a great time together. His name was... Wait, don't tell me, I know this... Char... Charlie? Ah! Charles B-something Harry. Or sommin like that. No wonder folks settled for Dill.

As the days go by, I learn more and more about this little guy. Dill was from Meridian and he was going to spend every summer from now on with his aunt who happens to be Miss Rachel. Scout also mentioned that he doesn't have a daddy and that she didn't understand why he didn't have one when his daddy was still alive. I told her that maybe Dill didn't want to talk about him and she should respect his privacy. After that, I gave her some crackling bread and she seemed contented(with the darlings playing out in the backyard, I had enough time to make a batch! Scout LOVES crackling bread!)

I enjoy watching my babies having fun, playing around with Dill, coming up with new plays. They don't know I watch them, shrouded by the curtains in the kitchen. Somewhere around the end of August, I caught Dill staring at the Radley place, hugging on to a light pole (he looked so small next to it), I could actually see him contemplating, coming up with ideas in that small head of his. He hugged the pole tightly, as though it the only thing stopping him from going up to their door.

Should I be concerned?

The Radleys were peculiar people... Not like the other White people...
I think I'll make a jug of lemonade now.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Acts 10:35 [Chapter 2]

Someday in the 1930s

Here's a writing practice I gave Scout earlier
to keep her occupied. I must say, her
penmanship is improving!


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Smacking Scout into Shape [Chapter 3]

Someday in the 1930s

Today Scout and Jem brought a guest over for lunch. He was pale and thin and struck me as anaemic. Not to be rude or anything, but that boy really needs to get out in the Sun more often and play around like boys of his age should be doing (that's what Scout does in her overalls).

He was a very polite boy, extremely well-mannered. Then he asked if there were any molasses in the house and so I returned with a pitcher of syrup. I waited for him to help himself to it. The young man slathered his vegetables and his meat with syrup. I reckon, as a Cunningham, he hasn't had syrup in a long time so he was making the best out of the lunch. I found this reasonable and of course, as the children's company, it wasn't really anyone's place to stop him.

Unfortunately, Scout thought it was and brought it onto herself to stop him. "WHAT THE SAM HILL ARE YOU DOING?!" were her choice of words. Poor boy was embarrassed but didn't really show it. Atticus could only shake his head in disapproval. She was about to justify herself but I requested her presence in the kitchen. Obviously, I was
FUMING. I started whispering as fiercely as I could without arousing the suspicions of everyone else. I taught that girl a lesson, I did. Then I smacked her, a bit too hard I think. Then I made her finish dinner in the kitchen (she started rambling about writing and me and punishment so I hushed her up).

When Scout returned from school, I heard her talking to Sir about her day and how she didn't wish to continue it. I didn't hear much but I think Sir convinced her, somehow. He really is a genius and has such a way with kids. He actually once told me to call him Atticus but I didn't want to, didn't want the lines between employer and employee to be that blurred. I'm touched anyways that he treats me like his family (I mean, we practically grew up together) even though I'm a coloured person. He really is a gem.

Jem's in his treehouse now and he's making poor Scout grab stuff for him. If she doesn't pay any attention to him, he'll come down soon enough. Atticus'll tell her that, sooner or later...


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Wood and games [Chapter 4]

Someday in the 1930s

Today, as I cleared the Times magazines from Scout's room, I heard a scuffle down stairs (well, it sounded like one) and I think I heard my name. When I located the children, Scout was coming out of the toilet so I must've been hearing things (Gee, I am getting old...).
Can't wait for Summer again! Summer=An Ice Cold Pitcher of Freshly Made Lemonade. Sigh... I love to watch the droplets of water trickle down the cool surface of the jug, onto the wood, darkening it.
It is still wood, isn't it?
Just darker...
But still wood.
Summer. That Dill boy's here again. I saw Scout running into the back yard and returning with an old tyre. Probably going to make a tyre swing or something... I whipped up a jug of the good stuff. When I annouced it to the kids, they all hurried to me, looking like they saw Hot Steams, perhaps even got the life sucked out of them. Pale as death. I'm sure my lemonade'll cheer em up! I was right, they started playing some new role-play, never seen it before. All that role playing's sure gonna cause tears in their play clothes. Better get my sewing kit... Now, where are my scissors??


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Second Thoughts [Chapter 5]

Someday in the 1930s

That day, I saw that Dill fellow looking at Scout with this...this...expression.... I think I know what is, but I hope I'm wrong! I don't like it. Scout's too young. THEY'RE too young. I'm getting second thoughts about that boy...

I remember my first and only love... Ebony Amaro. We met a very long time ago. He was a very caring man. He really understood me. An intellectual, picked up things very fast. I thoroughlyenjoyed long conversations with him and when I wasn't talking to him, I longed to. We weren't into that lovey dovey gooey gumdrop kind of thing. We were above that. In a word, our relationship was...Perfect. Zeebo's one of the products of my time with him, the first. After that..he..well... he's in a better place now...I...Excuse me.... I... think I left something in the oven..


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Shattered Peace, Tattered Pants [Chapter 6]

Someday in the 1930s

GUNSHOTS! kids not here. maybe ii didnt look properly. must-go-look.
Turns out one of my people tried to rob the radleys. Don't know why anyone would want to rob theradleys though, last I heard, they pick cotton for a living.
The town's buzzing with last night's commotion. I just found Jem's pants. They're all stitched up, very badly I must add. He was apparently over at Miss Rachel's fish-pool. What does she keep in there, Piranhas?!

Summer's almost over =/. At least Dill'll be far, far FAR away from my Scout.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Ice & Fire, Fire & Ice [Chapter 8]

Someday in the 1930s

SNOW! In MAYCOMB!!! Can you believe it? It hasn't snowed since...since....forever! Hope the kids'll enjoy the snow!

Look at them, trying to make a snowman. Such fun! I wish I were a kid again...
FIRE FIRE FIRE!!! It was soooo cold in the morning and now, this! Oh the irony of it all! Poor Miss Maudie! Thankfully she didn't get hurt. I think the whole of Maycomb County was there, all for one, one for all. Maybe I could help her rebuild her house sometime... But Miss Maudie's a tough one, I don't think she's that affected. S'long as she has her flowers. She likes all the flowers. She isn't colourblind, she enjoys them for their colour.
That's why I like her.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Christmas Countdown! [Chapter 9]

Someday in the 1930s

Three weeks to Christmas! Can you believe it? The Year's almost over, Scout and Jem're growing up so fast! I remember when they were only up to my knee level! Sigh.

The Finches will be going to the landing, as usual. Atticus invited me, as he does every year, but I politely declined, as I do every year. I wish to spend time with my Zeebo and besides, they've already got Ma'am Alexandra, she's a great cook (according to Scout)! Therefore, I don't feel that bad leaving the kids.

When I get to Zeebo's place, maybe I'll make him something special. Don't know how long ago it's been since he's had a hot meal. I don't think he even has a stove in his place... I'll have to go check. Maybe when I'm there, I'll find out more about Tom. Heard he's in quite a spot now...


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Dog's Gone [Chapter 10]

Someday in the 1930s

Today Scout asked me what her father could do, if he had any talents. I replied that I'm sure he did but I didn't rightly know what they were.

Shortly after, Jem came into the house, alarmed. He started describing what Tim Johnson (Maycomb's pet) was doing. I was horror-struck! That dog had RABIES! In the middle of February! Who would've known. I tried to inform everyone, they took some time to convince.Atticus and sheriff arrived and the tension was killing me. I tried blocking the kids but after awhile, let them watch discreetly. I couldn't let a teachable moment like that go to waste, not everyday does something like this happen in Maycomb. It all happened so fast. Atticus did it. One shot. I vaguely remember his old nickname. "One-shot Finch" was it? Why... Yes... He was the deadest shot! Maybe that's something for the children to chew upon... To think he didn't brag about it. Takes skill! An awful lot of it at that! Atticus is such a gentleman... I hope the kids will learn something from this... I hope we all will learn something from this...


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Another passing [Chapter 11]

Someday in the 1930s

Rest in Peace, Mrs Dubose. I never knew you were on Morphine. Maybe that's why you treated Jessie that way. Jessie told me, when she had the time that is, that you used to verbally abuse her. She knew you were on Morphine and thus excused you. She silently endured your abusive behaviour, knowing that every second could be your last. It still hurt her though. I had to make her something special to cheer her up. She never talked of the Morphine though. She didn't think it polite to tell everyone about something you were ashamed of.

If you weren't on that drug, I'm sure we would've seen the gem in you. Some of us already did. Some of us took a little more time than others, till it was too late.

Mrs Dubose's Tombstone


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

All the children of the world [Chapter 12]

Someday in the 1930s

Dill couldn't come this summer. Don't know if that's good or bad...
Sir's left us for two weeks for work, should be the Tom case...

So I brought the kids to my church (First Purchase African M.E Church). I wanted to show them how we worshipped, it was a new experience for them. Lula didn't understand this, of course. She disliked the idea of them being there, as white kids. I don't understand her. I don't understand this world. We're all God's little children. We're all human beings with feelings. The colour of our skin shouldn't determine anything besides our roots. I wish people would not say blacks or whites, wish they'd just say people.
However, I find myself succumbing to this... this.. madness sometimes. Even Scout noticed. It's the influence of the town. Anyways, it seems more polite to talk in the respective ways. But that just widens the gap between the two worlds. Like speaking two different languages. Sometimes these things stick to you. I'm trying to get rid of it, one step at a time. I hope by bringing the kids to the church, I showed everyone that the whites are no different from us.

Jesus loves the little children...
All the children of the world...
Black and
yellow, red and white
They're all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world...


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Hawk's eye [Chapter 13]

Someday in the 1930s

Ma'am Alexandra's here. And if I thought I kept a hawk's eye on the kids, I was wrong. The way Ma'am watches me, analyzes my every move. I feel her eyes on me whenever I 'm around her. It's like I'm some sort of bomb waiting to explode, and if I did, she'd jump up and shout "I TOLD YOU SO!" to everyone who bothered listening. Of course, there'd be quite a few, she was very well received by everyone. The house has been the venue for her little "Tea Parties". She refuses to let me make anything for them, and I let her provide for them. Hey, I offered help, she declined. Less work for me. Poor Scout, she has to put up with her little gang.

Well, I suppose it's for the best for Scout. Maybe she'll get more ladylike. As long as Sir approves of it.
~In Atticus, I trust.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

He comes, I (almost) get kicked out [Chapter 14]

Someday in the 1930s

She wants me out! I heard her, I wasn't eavesdropping, I was merely passing by. She was trying to get Atticus to make me leave. I couldn't listen to it anymore (anyways, I knew Sir would come to my aid.). I was going up to Scout's room to make her bed.

'Tap tap tap!'. Someone was rapping their knuckles against her closed window!

Dill's here! I let him in. Poor boy looked cold. He told me not to tell anyone (though I was going to, in the morning). He then ran off to hide under her bed. I was going to offer him some dinner but he wasn't in the mood for talking, less he gave himself away.

"Kids..." I muttered.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

After Supper [Chapter 15]

Someday in the 1930s

Supper just ended. There're men outside the house. I recognize some of them... Can't really tell... I wonder what it's about. I have a feeling it's about the case. Oh dreary me. I hope no one'll get hurt.
I'm watching anyways, in case there's someway in which I can help, my pans close at hand. They wouldn't hurt Sir though...

But lately things have changed...


Posted by Calpurnia at noon

Trying times [Chapters 16-20]

Someday in the 1930s

Tom. He's a good man. He goes to church. Has a wife and everything. He'd never touch a girl, specially not a white one. I know, for a fact, that he did not do it. Innocent, I tell you! Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Do I think he stands a chance? Well, I'm optimistic. The Ewells are only a notch higher in the hierarchy that is society (twisted but true.). Perhaps, finally, the Maycombians will open their eyes. Will he get a fair trial? Will justice finally prevail? I cannot say. Lets hope the facts speak for themselves and not the stereotypes of society. For if the latter takes the wheel, Tom's a dead man. I'm not even going to go down down there to watch it, I'm going to sit here and wait helplessly (like many others), because deep down, I know, Maycomb knows, that it's a lost battle.

A battle, we lost a hundred years ago...
(A few hours later)

Oh no, oh no!
Sir's at da trial and ma lil darlins are MISSIN'!!!
Oh no, what I do.
Imma stuck 'ere wid Ma'am Alexandra and she ain't doin' mu'h 'bout it.
I needa tell Sir! Sir would know whatta do...
What if.... What if they run away?
No, they wouldn't run away, they good chillun.

What if.... they were KIDNAPPED?
But they're white kids...
Whose father is defending my people.
Oh No.


Posted by Calpurnia at noon